NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Hello everyone,
so I have a monorepo with NextJS and keystone cms, both are running trpc v10beta.15.
Screenshot 1: I receive a type error when trying to use the CmsAppRouter type in my NextJS when calling createTRPCProxyClient.
Screenshot 2: The tRPC files in the cms.
Does someone has a clue? Would be really thankful for any help 🙂
(Full error msg below)
6 Replies
Full Error Message
This can be considered closed. There was a problem with the config of the monorepo and the installed packages
Unknown User•3y ago
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Hi, I deleted node_modules, rechecked my monorepo configuration and reinstalled. The error disappeared. @Matheus Mazeto
Unknown User•3y ago
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Yes, turborepo. I reinstalled using yarn, then it worked
Okay, I have to rollback, installed my repo on a new Pc, same issue again :/
If you or someone else want to start a debugging session sometimes hit me up. We could also set up an example project with "tRPC X Keystone JS CMS" which could be featured on the tRPC website
Im setting up a boiled down version of this repo to debug and maybe feature later on rn!
Unknown User•2y ago
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