zeph16652y ago

Query keys

Hi! I'm super new to TRPC and based on my understanding, TRPC has a thin wrapper around react query. So, I'm wondering how to include the query keys when using trpc. Thank you!
export const itineraryRouter = router({
list: publicProcedure
userId: z.string().uuid(),
.query(async ({ input }) => {
const itineraries = await prisma.itinerary.findMany({
where: {
userId: input.userId,
return itineraries

// how I use it in my component
const { data, isLoading } = trpc.itinerary.list.useQuery(
userId: user?.id as string,

enabled: !!user,
export const itineraryRouter = router({
list: publicProcedure
userId: z.string().uuid(),
.query(async ({ input }) => {
const itineraries = await prisma.itinerary.findMany({
where: {
userId: input.userId,
return itineraries

// how I use it in my component
const { data, isLoading } = trpc.itinerary.list.useQuery(
userId: user?.id as string,

enabled: !!user,
7 Replies
Alex / KATT 🐱
we do the query keys for you the above becomes
[['itinerary', 'list'], { where: { userId: x } }]
[['itinerary', 'list'], { where: { userId: x } }]
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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eyalll2y ago
is not necessary, just add the params. The queryKey is made for you.
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Unknown User2y ago
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zeph16652y ago
Thank you! Just to clarify, if i wanted to invalidate the queries, I would do this?
queryClient.invalidateQueries(['itinerary', 'list', {where: {userId: x}}
queryClient.invalidateQueries(['itinerary', 'list', {where: {userId: x}}
Alex / KATT 🐱
useContext | tRPC
useContext is a hook that gives you access to helpers that let you manage the cached data of the queries you execute via @trpc/react-query. These helpers are actually thin wrappers around @tanstack/react-query's queryClient methods. If you want more in-depth information about options and usage patterns for useContext helpers than what we provide...
zeph16652y ago
Oh.. totally missed this part of the docs! Thanks so much!