nehalistā€¢2y ago

tRPC without SSR

When using tRPC with ssr it uses getInitialProps, which has kinda of a cool effect in terms how a page is rendered, since it's rendered server-side on initial requests and client-side on route transitions. Unfortunately, enabling ssr means that you can no longer use getServerSideProps (which I know is only fixable by next.js and not tRPC). But how to replicate the getInitialProps behaviour then? Let's say I'm building a blog; due to SEO it's basically necessary to render my posts server-side. But when navigating through the site loading posts on the fly would be totally fine. How to do that without ssr?
12 Replies
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Alex / KATT šŸ±
Response Caching | tRPC
The below examples uses Vercel's edge caching to serve data to your users as fast as possible.
Alex / KATT šŸ±
Server-Side Rendering | tRPC
To enable SSR just set ssr: true in your createTRPCNext config callback.
Alex / KATT šŸ±
all info should be in those 2 pages
Unknown User
Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Alex / KATT šŸ±
You can use gSSP if you prefer all route changes to be slowed down RSC will come soon and hopefully fix all this stuff.
Unknown User
Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Alex / KATT šŸ±
Fwiw, benefit to not using our ssr is to be able to use Suspense
Alex / KATT šŸ±
Suspense (Experimental) | tRPC
- useSuspense & useSuspenseInfiniteQuery are experimental features as its implementation may change as a result of the use() proposal & RSC (React Server Components)
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Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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Alex / KATT šŸ±
umm if you're okay with doing an SPA, yes
Unknown User
Unknown Userā€¢2y ago
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