Mugetsu3y ago

@trpc/server in a non-server environment Error in Azure CI

Im trying to add vitest unit tests for my trpc procedures. I followed some examples and on the local evn all works. Tests pass but in the Azure CI I get this error.
Error: You're trying to use @trpc/server in a non-server environment. This is not supported by default.
#19 7.732 ❯ initTRPCInner node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+server@10.8.1/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/inde***.mjs:808:23
#19 7.732 ❯ TRPCBuilder.create node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+server@10.8.1/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/inde***.mjs:782:33
#19 7.732 ❯ src/server/api/trpc.ts:32:56
#19 7.734 30| import { createTRPCConte***t } from './conte***t'
#19 7.734 31|
#19 7.734 32| const t = initTRPC.conte***t<typeof createTRPCConte***t>().create({
#19 7.734 | ^
#19 7.734 33| transformer: superjson,
#19 7.734 34| errorFormatter({ shape, ct*** }) {
Error: You're trying to use @trpc/server in a non-server environment. This is not supported by default.
#19 7.732 ❯ initTRPCInner node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+server@10.8.1/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/inde***.mjs:808:23
#19 7.732 ❯ TRPCBuilder.create node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+server@10.8.1/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/inde***.mjs:782:33
#19 7.732 ❯ src/server/api/trpc.ts:32:56
#19 7.734 30| import { createTRPCConte***t } from './conte***t'
#19 7.734 31|
#19 7.734 32| const t = initTRPC.conte***t<typeof createTRPCConte***t>().create({
#19 7.734 | ^
#19 7.734 33| transformer: superjson,
#19 7.734 34| errorFormatter({ shape, ct*** }) {
4 Replies
Nick3y ago
You've probably imported your Backend into the Frontend Make sure where you're importing the AppRouter you're doing import type { AppRouter } from 'backend' Or you just need to set up your tests project to include the Node environment, it may be browser by default
MugetsuOP3y ago
mmm this might be it but why it works locally then
Nick3y ago
Sometimes the mode of tools changes when CI=1 is set in the environment. This would be a weird case of that though
MugetsuOP3y ago
@Nick Lucas Thanks for the tip! You were right. I've changed default setting for vitest from environment: 'jsdom', to per file via comment and it worked ❤️

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