Using generics duplicates the types instead of referring to the existing types
I'm creating a backend API using TRPC, where I'm encountering a slight problem. TL;DR; when defining procedures with a generic type, instead of referring to the existing type, it copies the definition of the existing type when building the types.
Further info:
I have defined many data models/types in a shared package that multiple projects can access. For example I might have the data model "User", which contains all necessary fields for a user, i.e. e-mail, name, phone number, etc. I have setup generic CRUD API endpoints/procedures that accept a type such a "User", and after retrieving it from the database, it appends a field "id" (referring to the unique ID from the database).
Pretty much just:
User & { id: string };
. However, when looking at the output, I get the entire User
type, as seen in the first image attached. A workaround I found was by exporting the final type instead of passing on generics, see image 2 and 3, then you can see it easily takes the shared type and uses it, instead of re-creating the entire type.
The question is:
Is there a way to pass on generics like I want, instead of manually declaring shared types? If it doesn't use shared types, it drastically increases the output size, since instead of referring to the existing types, it duplicates them.
1st image: The output (d.ts files) when building the project RN.
2nd: The type that's exported/shared
3rd: The new, what-I-want output after building the project, but preferable without doing it manually.

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