Throwing fastify errors when using fastify adapter
Hello, I'm using
from @trpc/server/adapters/fastify
and trying to throw errors correctly.
I usually use @fastify-sensible
because I find the API clear, e.g. I can write things like fastify.httpErrors.forbidden()
or fastify.httpErrors.unauthorized
However if I throw one of these in a tRPC procedure it seems the error code is always 500, assuming that's because tRPC is intercepting/handling them in some way? What's the best way to "solve" this? Thanks!2 Replies
You shouldn’t be throwing fastify errors in services is the brutal answer.
The more helpful answer is you could write a middleware which catches them and wraps them up in a TRPCError as the cause, then you can use an errorFornatter to propagate them in whatever shape you like to the frontend
Ace, I assumed as much and went ahead and did something similar earlier, but good to have confirmation. It's sometimes difficult to know with adapters which part to prioritise so just wanted some clarification, thanks!