NEO16mo ago

tRPC standalone server in monorepo

Hi, I'm using t3-stack monorepo as my base and I've swapped out NextJS backend for standalone HTTP server but I just can't get it work Discord wouldn't let me post the code as it was too long so I've uploaded the api.ts and client.ts along with the error to gist
tRPC standalone server in monorepo
tRPC standalone server in monorepo. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
9 Replies
Nick16mo ago
What doesn’t work? What errors/output?
NEO16mo ago
Check the third file in gist for the error That’s what I get at this line
export const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>()
export const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>()
Nick16mo ago
Oh are you running all the latest & exact same versions of tRPC dependencies? That's a new response code we added I think, it's important to keep versions in line
NEO16mo ago
Yes, as I said before I’m using t3 stack monorepo template and the server and client have the same version of trpc
Nick16mo ago
Maybe worth nuking the lock file just to be sure. I’m on the move now so can have another look over later, but it reads like a version mismatch
NEO16mo ago
Turns out it was the package manager bun, installing the deps with pnpm worked fine
Nick16mo ago
It always seems to be bun
NEO16mo ago
They had a new update recently which added support for workspaces so I thought I'd give it a shot, anyway thanks for looking.
Nick16mo ago
Yeah it's a really exciting project, just quite early days and many people have come in with strange issues later found to be Bun's fault Glad you sorted it 🙂
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