Has anyone ever used tRPC (with SSR) and i18n?

No matter the lib (next-intl, next-i18n, next-translate), I simply stumble from one problem to another - most of them simply solved by disabling SSR. Unfortunately, I need SSR and i18n. I know the GitHub issue that the problem here is on next.js, but anyone ever solved this? Hard to believe no one has ever used tRPC with i18n
Nickβ€’398d ago
I doubt tRPC has anything to do with this honestly Best to ask in the packages you’re trying to use
nehalistβ€’398d ago
next-i18next not working correctly with wrapped tRPC when SSR is en...
Describe the bug When wrapping an app with withTRPC that is already wrapped with appWithTranslation leads to the error react-i18next:: You will need pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI1...
Nickβ€’398d ago
Ah I see Probably a good idea to open a bug report with us then. I’m not experienced with SSR but having a GitHub issue will get the right people to see it
nehalistβ€’398d ago
I often see SSR simply being turned off - but what's the point of using next.js then? It's just an spa then, or do I miss something?
nehalistβ€’398d ago
Additionally, there's already an issue at your side - seems like you guys can't fix that: https://github.com/trpc/trpc/issues/596
@trpc/next with ssr: true breaks getServerSideProps Β· Issue #...
Notes by @KATT: Solving this is blocked by vercel/next.js#28183. Keeping this open for visibility, but it likely won't be fixed. See warning-block at https://trpc.io/docs/ssr @trpc/next: 8.0.0-...
trashβ€’397d ago
cc @Tom - QuiiBz i know you have a next i18n lib so maybe you have some pointers
Unknown Userβ€’397d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
Will try asap, thanks while it seems to work, there's this weird behavior of as soon as I wrap my app in the I18nProvider my dom (ctrl+u) is suddenly empty and it seems SSR becomes completely broken. without the wrapping container all my data is inside the dom
Unknown Userβ€’396d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
Unfortunately no, but I'll setup a minimal reproduction repo
nehalistβ€’396d ago
well, I don't understand anything at all anymore: as soon as I wrap my app in an I18nProvider the dom becomes "Loading..." which comes from tRPC
const hello = trpc.hello.useQuery({text: 'client'});
const t = useI18n();
if (!hello.data) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return (
<p>inside i18n provider</p>
<p>trpc: {hello.data.greeting}</p>
<p>i18n: {t('hello')}</p>
const hello = trpc.hello.useQuery({text: 'client'});
const t = useI18n();
if (!hello.data) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return (
<p>inside i18n provider</p>
<p>trpc: {hello.data.greeting}</p>
<p>i18n: {t('hello')}</p>
but without the i18n provider everything is fine. hopefully this repo can help: https://github.com/nehalist/trpc-i18n
GitHub - nehalist/trpc-i18n
Contribute to nehalist/trpc-i18n development by creating an account on GitHub.
Unknown Userβ€’396d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
if you inspect the source code of this page it only shows the "loading..." dev. if you remove the i18n provider it shows the actual content btw thanks for your time helping me
Unknown Userβ€’396d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
but this would hurt seo, or do I miss something? I'm seriously considering switching to using tRPC only within getServerSideProps so that I can disable SSR, but dx suffers a lot imo with this approach
Unknown Userβ€’396d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
it's kinda weird that having i18n with tRPC causes such a chain of problems. feels like I'm the only one that wants a multi-language tRPC app? πŸ˜„
Unknown Userβ€’396d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
as far as I understand that should certainly fix this, ya, but also means that I cannot use tRPC queries directly within my components anymore and requires some major refactoring on my existing app
Unknown Userβ€’396d ago
nehalistβ€’396d ago
that's the big disadvantage of doing it this way, but it seems like it's the only thing that works all of this feels like a "choose 2: i18n, trpc, seo" situation πŸ˜„
Kulimantangβ€’372d ago
Hey guys, I just ran into the ssr problem yesterday myself and I'm also looking into using i18n πŸ™ˆ. Did you have success in using ServerSideHelpers and have i18n, trpc and seo and the only drawback is bad dx? Would appreciate to know how it turned out for you
yuxinqiβ€’41d ago
with next-i18next,it work for me
// /src/pages/_app.tsx
import nextI18NextConfig from "../../next-i18next.config.js";
const prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
MyApp.getInitialProps = async ({ ctx: { locale } }) => {
return {
pageProps: {
...(await serverSideTranslations(
locale || nextI18NextConfig.i18n.defaultLocale,
{ ...nextI18NextConfig, reloadOnPrerender: !prod }

export default trpc.withTRPC(appWithTranslation(MyApp));
// /src/pages/_app.tsx
import nextI18NextConfig from "../../next-i18next.config.js";
const prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
MyApp.getInitialProps = async ({ ctx: { locale } }) => {
return {
pageProps: {
...(await serverSideTranslations(
locale || nextI18NextConfig.i18n.defaultLocale,
{ ...nextI18NextConfig, reloadOnPrerender: !prod }

export default trpc.withTRPC(appWithTranslation(MyApp));
// /next.config.mjs
import i18nConfig from "./next-i18next.config.js";
const nextConfig = {
i18n: i18nConfig.i18n,
webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
// Fixes npm packages that depend on `fs` module
if (!isServer) {
config.resolve.fallback.fs = false;
return config;
export default nextConfig;
// /next.config.mjs
import i18nConfig from "./next-i18next.config.js";
const nextConfig = {
i18n: i18nConfig.i18n,
webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
// Fixes npm packages that depend on `fs` module
if (!isServer) {
config.resolve.fallback.fs = false;
return config;
export default nextConfig;
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