trpc pipe middleware
Hey all.
I'm currently trying to create a middle ware on endpoints using the new
This is on a specific route which is formatted like:
Is it possible to retrieve the dynamic id
which is in this URL, in my middleware? I really need to access this for the middleware to be possible to use.
Essentially I need to check if the current user has permission to access this guildId.
There unfortunetly doesn't seem to be any req
property in the pipe api which could give me router information.3 Replies
Middlewares can use context, so you can put this data in context first
Context | tRPC
Your context holds data that all of your tRPC procedures will have access to, and is a great place to put things like database connections or authentication information.
Thank you! I found a way to do this which was using
prop, but shall give this a read too.