Adding tRPC HOC breaks zustand
It seems that adding the trpc hoc breaks my zustand stores initial values and generates bad data.
After installing trpc following an install guide, I realized that now my zustand items don't take their initial values anymore. I am not sure why it is due. Happens both with SSR and non SSR setting.
My error is the following : (please see the image)
I am using yarn to install packages and running latest Nextjs/React.
3 Replies
I know you will say that it is not related but as soon as I don't do
in my _app.tsx
it doesn't crash anymore. I am not sure why it happens, please help me investigate itcan you make a reproduction?
ssr: false
there shouldn't be anything functional changing when you add the HOCSure, I’ll try later today
Can it be because I add another HOC for translations ?
I use Nexti18next as HOC for translations