ajnart16mo ago

Adding tRPC HOC breaks zustand

It seems that adding the trpc hoc breaks my zustand stores initial values and generates bad data. After installing trpc following an install guide, I realized that now my zustand items don't take their initial values anymore. I am not sure why it is due. Happens both with SSR and non SSR setting. My error is the following : (please see the image) I am using yarn to install packages and running latest Nextjs/React.
3 Replies
ajnart16mo ago
I know you will say that it is not related but as soon as I don't do api.withTRPC(App) in my _app.tsx it doesn't crash anymore. I am not sure why it happens, please help me investigate it
Alex / KATT 🐱
Alex / KATT 🐱16mo ago
can you make a reproduction? with ssr: false there shouldn't be anything functional changing when you add the HOC
ajnart16mo ago
Sure, I’ll try later today Can it be because I add another HOC for translations ? I use Nexti18next as HOC for translations
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