How does routing work in tRPC especially when using merged routers?

I am having trouble understanding how tRPC lays out routes. Let's say I have the below
export const apiRouter = router({
version: publicProcedure.query(() => {
return { version: '0.42.0' }
hello: publicProcedure
.input(z.object({ username: z.string().nullish() }).nullish())
.query(({ input, ctx }) => {
return {
text: `hello ${input?.username ?? ctx.user?.name ?? 'world'}`,

export const appRouter = router({
api: apiRouter,
// ...other routers

// server.ts
server.register(fastifyTRPCPlugin, {
prefix: '/trpc',
trpcOptions: { router: appRouter, createContext },
export const apiRouter = router({
version: publicProcedure.query(() => {
return { version: '0.42.0' }
hello: publicProcedure
.input(z.object({ username: z.string().nullish() }).nullish())
.query(({ input, ctx }) => {
return {
text: `hello ${input?.username ?? ctx.user?.name ?? 'world'}`,

export const appRouter = router({
api: apiRouter,
// ...other routers

// server.ts
server.register(fastifyTRPCPlugin, {
prefix: '/trpc',
trpcOptions: { router: appRouter, createContext },
My assumption is that from the above example I have:
GET /trpc/api/version
GET /trpc/api/hello?username=Bob
GET /trpc/api/version
GET /trpc/api/hello?username=Bob
However when using Insomnia to query the endpoints as I familiarize myself with tRPC more I get 404s. Could someone explain this to me better? I am running:
@trpc/server 10.21.0
pnpm 8.2.0
node 18.15.0
@trpc/server 10.21.0
pnpm 8.2.0
node 18.15.0
3 Replies
Longhumans2y ago
In Postman I had to use: GET /trpc/user.getUsers So in your case it would be: GET /trpc/api.version Also new to TRPC and unfamiliar with Insomnia, but I hope that helps.
@Longhumans you sir are a fucking boss! Thank you I would never have figured that out. Makes some sense now with the way the client consumes: trpc.api.version.query() Thanks again!
Longhumans2y ago
Happy it helped 🙂