Igor_lviv2y ago

How to upload file not use S3 Next js? Please, example

file: course.router.ts / import { CourseSchema } from "~/schema/post.schema"; import { createTRPCRouter, publicProcedure, protectedProcedure, } from "~/server/api/trpc"; import formidable from "formidable"; import fs from "npm"; export const courseRouter = createTRPCRouter({ create: protectedProcedure.input(CourseSchema).mutation(({ ctx, input }) => { //upload and save here input.file //// // throw new TRPCError({ code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" }); return ctx.prisma.curse.create({ data: { name: input.name, video: input.video, descriptionCurse: input.descriptionCurse, }, }); }), });
3 Replies
ygor perez
ygor perez2y ago
this video might help you out: https://youtu.be/mxT3j-5s1Zc
Theo - t3․gg
I Fixed File Uploading.
CHECK OUT UPLOADTHING https://uploadthing.com We were tired of AWS's offerings with S3, and we weren't satisfied by what Cloudflare offered with R2 or even Vercel's Blob offering. I think we have something special here. GIVE MARK SOME LOVE FOR DEALING WITH MY BS https://twitter.com/r_marked ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://ww...
Rasel Hossain
Rasel Hossain11mo ago
did you find any solution?
Level UP
Level UP11mo ago
I recommend using a service like AWS or Cloudflare R2. I've made a very simple example of how you can do this: https://gist.github.com/404-Chacal/ab06162b95b4e3c3675710dfec472e1d .
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