NEO2y ago

Cannot access 't' before initialization

Hi, I'm migrating my app to a mono repo but I just can't get past this error for some reason Cannot access 't' before initialization when using the tRPC instance anywhere be it a middleware or router The server is a standalone node server useAuthenticaton.ts
import { TRPCError } from '@trpc/server'
import { t, User } from '../server/api'
import * as Auth from '../services/auth/auth'

const useAuthentication = t.middleware(async ({ ctx, next }) => {
try {
const authToken = ctx.req.headers['token'] as string
const authResult = (await Auth.verifyJWTToken(authToken)) as User

return next({
ctx: {
user: authResult
} catch (error) {
throw new TRPCError({

export default useAuthentication
import { TRPCError } from '@trpc/server'
import { t, User } from '../server/api'
import * as Auth from '../services/auth/auth'

const useAuthentication = t.middleware(async ({ ctx, next }) => {
try {
const authToken = ctx.req.headers['token'] as string
const authResult = (await Auth.verifyJWTToken(authToken)) as User

return next({
ctx: {
user: authResult
} catch (error) {
throw new TRPCError({

export default useAuthentication
export type User = JwtPayload & {
userid: number
email: string

export type Context = inferAsyncReturnType<typeof createContext>

export type ServerContext = { user: User } & Context

export const t = initTRPC
transformer: superjson,
errorFormatter: ({ error, shape }) => {
if (
error.code === 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR' &&
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
) {
return { ...shape, message: 'Internal server error' }
return shape
export type User = JwtPayload & {
userid: number
email: string

export type Context = inferAsyncReturnType<typeof createContext>

export type ServerContext = { user: User } & Context

export const t = initTRPC
transformer: superjson,
errorFormatter: ({ error, shape }) => {
if (
error.code === 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR' &&
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
) {
return { ...shape, message: 'Internal server error' }
return shape
12 Replies
You could try exporting aliases of the functions? like this? Then maybe you will keep the reference of t in the one file
NEO2y ago
Turns out I can't define middlewares in a separate file, moving them under the api.ts solved the issue for me
You can do this
and create folders to house scoped procedures
this is procedures.ts
NEO2y ago
Interesting, I might try this, wasted so much time on this already haha
I have too, so I am happy to share what I've learned I posted my own discussion here if you want to check it out I used it to have a bunch of different, service-specific, scoped procedures that have the proper clients attached asanaProcedure, salesforceProcedure, etc..
My router is insanely huge
NEO2y ago
I don't have subrouters instead a route file that has multiple procedures
NEO2y ago
Was trying your approach to middleware doesn't seem like it would work for chaining multiple middlewares
NEO2y ago
Came with a new solution, this passes the tRPC instance as a parameter to the middleware and you can still chain multiple middlewares together