Need help

import {initTRPC} from '@trpc/server';
import * as trpcNext from '@trpc/server/adapters/next';
import {z} from 'zod';
const t=initTRPC.create();
const appRouter=t.router({greetings:t.procedure.input(z.object({name:z.string()}))})
.query(({input})=>{return {text:`hello ${input?.name ??'world'}`}});
export type AppRouter=typeof appRouter;
export default trpcNext.createNextApiHandler({router:appRouter,createContext:()=>({})})
import {initTRPC} from '@trpc/server';
import * as trpcNext from '@trpc/server/adapters/next';
import {z} from 'zod';
const t=initTRPC.create();
const appRouter=t.router({greetings:t.procedure.input(z.object({name:z.string()}))})
.query(({input})=>{return {text:`hello ${input?.name ??'world'}`}});
export type AppRouter=typeof appRouter;
export default trpcNext.createNextApiHandler({router:appRouter,createContext:()=>({})})
why does t.query is not a function?
i_lost_to_loba_kreygasm358d ago
the error I am getting
michaelschufi358d ago
You are calling .query on the t.router(...) instead of the procedure:
michaelschufi358d ago
michaelschufi358d ago
you need to call it in the t.procedure chain. I.e. after .input(...)
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