Trpc refetches all of the queries when i run a mutation
Im running node 16.15.0 with Pnpm
When i run a mutation for some reason all of the queries get refetched. Im using the app dir and rehydrating the client but I think it has nothing to do with the issue
8 Replies
Can some one help me please
Should show us some code, where the mutation is being ran, what part of the app the mutation is being ran at, is it invalidating anything? etc.
This gets called when the form is submitted
This is how my react-query devtools look before running the mutation
This smells of react having to remount everything, or the page being inadvertently reloaded
Hard to really say from a distance though
Im using the app dir with react server components
This is my
just checked with the component profiler and it doesnt look like it is remounting
If you want I can give you access to the codebase
I also have this deployed to vercel
also, im not performing any manual invalidationApp Dir and RSC for us is still an experimental thing for us so YMMV
If you can reproduce any specific issues then opening a issue would be welcome