opts object passed to mutation , i can not understand where it came from
here in goodbye route , where does the opts object come from , in authorized proccesor middleware , i get it otps come from the input but in goodbye i am not able to understand where opts come from , maybe
passes it to the goodbye route
2 Replies
or maybe i got it , opt.next() redirects us to the next route or middleware and since it has no middleware it direacts us to the next route right , also every opts has three parameters , input , context and next , sure we have not defined input so we can not use it but we can use context and next
Opts is just a bundle of stuff that we give middlewares and procedures
Everything is just a middleware though, your procedure is just the terminating middleware, so calling next calls whatever is next in the chain, be it a middleware or a procedure. But the opts object is composed automatically under the hood