ferdy2y ago

trpc client request size limits?

I am sending a pretty sizable request and am seeing
[TRPCClientError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected token: <]
[TRPCClientError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected token: <]
I am not sure where the unexpected token is coming from or how to further debug this. My trpc client looks like
this.trpcClient = createTRPCProxyClient<TendrelAppRouter>({
links: [
enabled: _ => true
url: stage.endpoint,
headers: () => ({ bearer: this.workerAuthToken }),
transformer: superjson
this.trpcClient = createTRPCProxyClient<TendrelAppRouter>({
links: [
enabled: _ => true
url: stage.endpoint,
headers: () => ({ bearer: this.workerAuthToken }),
transformer: superjson
1 Reply
ferdyOP2y ago
the request never makes it to the server, so somewhere the trpc client is trying to parse the request for some reason and i think having it too big makes it introduce a funky token?

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