17 Replies

Nothing logs on the server
If anyone has any idea let me know please I am stuck deploying my application
useQuery works fine for now.
and other mutations too
o.from sounds a lot like you’re sending over some bundled JS instead of JSON
bundled js?
do I need to stringify the object I am passing?
I dont think so right?
this is what it is
could be caused by the Date() object
coming from dayjs?
How tho? I feel its that too but not really sure z
dateTime is coming from datetime input @neobean
well toDate() method returns an entire javascript Date() class
But how does it work in dev mode?
I would surely see something
idk honestly, but im curious
using z.date
which expects the whole date ig
and you're using superjson too right?
I assume yes Id need to check
yes I am
transformer: superjson,
if its not for the date, it could be for anything, you need debug chunk by chunk
this is the payload of the network request

whcih i think is valid date too
idk whats causing the error then
are you using errorFormatters / try catch anywhere that just throws BAD_REQUEST/INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR but doesnt log or respond with a proper message/error data?
also you using mongodb? if employeeId is supposed to be an objectId, its invalid
have you tried running the production mode locally? is everything same for both dev/prod? like payload, database configuration/indexes etc
Works locally