medv ❄
medv ❄2y ago

procedure.input(z.object) is inferred as a partial (optional fields)?

Have a strange case of my input types coming through as partial in procedures, cannot replicate in sandbox, any ideas why this might be happening? If I make it a simple input(z.string()) it is of type string, but z.object() properties come through as optional:
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Found the answer, this is an issue with tsconfig missing strict: true. Mine was set to strict, but apparently my nx integrated repo was not parsing the chain of extended configs correctly, so this small issue was just a symptom of a larger one. Zod just validated my environment 🤔
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3 Replies
medv ❄
medv ❄OP2y ago sandbox as expected is not optional:
medv ❄
medv ❄OP2y ago
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medv ❄
medv ❄2y ago
Found the answer, this is an issue with tsconfig missing strict: true. Mine was set to strict, but apparently my nx integrated repo was not parsing the chain of extended configs correctly, so this small issue was just a symptom of a larger one. Zod just validated my environment 🤔

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