T2y ago

tRPC middleware infer type from another protectedProcedure

Hello, protectedProcedure check and adds a not nullable user to the ctx. However the studyMiddleware does not know that user is not nullable, is there a way for the middleware to be aware of it? In my current code I had to validate the user is not nullable inside the middleware and had to manually pass the user to the ctx user: opts.ctx.user, to make user not nullable inside the mutation. Here is a sample of my code
const studyMiddleware = middleware(async (opts) => {
if (!opts.ctx.user) {
throw new TRPCError({
message: "Unauthorized",

const parsedInput = z
studyId: z.string().cuid(),

const study = await studyRepository.findOneByIdAndClientId({
id: parsedInput.studyId,
clientId: opts.ctx.user.client.id,

if (!study) {
throw new TRPCError({
code: "NOT_FOUND",
message: "Study not found",

return opts.next({
ctx: {
user: opts.ctx.user,

export const budgetRouter = createTRPCRouter({
create: protectedProcedure
.mutation(({ input, ctx: { user, study } }) =>
budgetService.create(input, user, study),
const studyMiddleware = middleware(async (opts) => {
if (!opts.ctx.user) {
throw new TRPCError({
message: "Unauthorized",

const parsedInput = z
studyId: z.string().cuid(),

const study = await studyRepository.findOneByIdAndClientId({
id: parsedInput.studyId,
clientId: opts.ctx.user.client.id,

if (!study) {
throw new TRPCError({
code: "NOT_FOUND",
message: "Study not found",

return opts.next({
ctx: {
user: opts.ctx.user,

export const budgetRouter = createTRPCRouter({
create: protectedProcedure
.mutation(({ input, ctx: { user, study } }) =>
budgetService.create(input, user, study),
1 Reply
seN4917mo ago
I've found using procedure works better for types than the middleware. If you change your middleware and use .use it should probably work as you expect!

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