RealityShift10mo ago

Generic Zod as Input Type

I'm not positive if this is a TRPC question, typescript in general, or failure to understand Zod in this usecase. Our API has a several endpoints that all work the same way just pass in different payloads. I'm trying to create a single function to assign to all my TRPC routes:
enum Endpoint {
"Person" = "/users/person",
"Company" = "/core/company",

update: createTRPCRouter({
person: updateGeneric(ZPersonUpdate, Endpoint.Person),
company: updateGeneric(ZCompanyUpdate, Endpoint.Company),

function createUpdateApiProcedure<T extends z.SomeZodObject>(schema: T, path: Endpoint) {
return protectedProcedure.input(
z.object({id: z.number()}).extend(schema)
).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
//call api with payload
enum Endpoint {
"Person" = "/users/person",
"Company" = "/core/company",

update: createTRPCRouter({
person: updateGeneric(ZPersonUpdate, Endpoint.Person),
company: updateGeneric(ZCompanyUpdate, Endpoint.Company),

function createUpdateApiProcedure<T extends z.SomeZodObject>(schema: T, path: Endpoint) {
return protectedProcedure.input(
z.object({id: z.number()}).extend(schema)
).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
//call api with payload
I'm not sure what should be in the input section to make this work?
2 Replies
Nick10mo ago
You want a Router Factory, and potentially the polymorphism utilities I have a post on it if you google for “trpc router factories” but it’s a more advanced topic so we don’t really push this in the docs Inputs themselves can’t be generic though, you need to have multiple routers
RealityShift9mo ago
Got it thanks Nick!
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