aryzing9mo ago

How to configure context for a standalone server?

Are there any examples out there on how to set up context for a standalone server? The docs do include an example for next , although it doesn't help much in setting one up for a standalone server. How is context set up for a standalone server?
Thanks, in the end I found it here, The standalone config docs use the createContext function but don't define it, and the createContext docs define it but don't use it with createHTTPServer, so had to put both doc pages together to figure out how to do it for the standalone server...
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3 Replies
Nick9mo ago
All adapters work the same here, just implement createContext on the adapter
Tamás Soós
Tamás Soós9mo ago
Maybe you're looking for this and this
Adapters | tRPC
tRPC is not a server on its own, and must therefore be served using other hosts, such as a simple Node.js HTTP Server, Express, or even Next.js. Most tRPC features are the same no matter which backend you choose. Adapters act as the glue between the host system and your tRPC API.
Standalone Adapter | tRPC
tRPC's Standalone Adapter is the simplest way to get a new project working. It's ideal for local development, and for server-based production environments. In essence it's just a wrapper around the standard Node.js HTTP Server with the normal options related to tRPC.
aryzing9mo ago
Thanks, in the end I found it here, The standalone config docs use the createContext function but don't define it, and the createContext docs define it but don't use it with createHTTPServer, so had to put both doc pages together to figure out how to do it for the standalone server
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