kbemaster14mo ago

Is there any benefit to putting the db connection in the context versus having it as an global var?

Can I do this?
export const challengesRouter = router({
getChallengeById: privateProcedure
.query(async ({ input }) => {
const challenge = await db.query.challengeTable.findFirst({
where: (columns, { eq }) => eq(columns.sectionId, input),
columns: {
id: true,
sectionId: true,
return challenge;
export const challengesRouter = router({
getChallengeById: privateProcedure
.query(async ({ input }) => {
const challenge = await db.query.challengeTable.findFirst({
where: (columns, { eq }) => eq(columns.sectionId, input),
columns: {
id: true,
sectionId: true,
return challenge;
or in this way i have a benefit?
export const challengesRouter = router({
getChallengeById: privateProcedure
.query(async ({ input, ctx }) => {
const challenge = await ctx.db.query.challengeTable.findFirst({
where: (columns, { eq }) => eq(columns.sectionId, input),
columns: {
id: true,
sectionId: true,
return challenge;
export const challengesRouter = router({
getChallengeById: privateProcedure
.query(async ({ input, ctx }) => {
const challenge = await ctx.db.query.challengeTable.findFirst({
where: (columns, { eq }) => eq(columns.sectionId, input),
columns: {
id: true,
sectionId: true,
return challenge;
What's the benefit of using the context instead of a direct import ...
I've wondered why I should use the tRPC context instead of just importing my database singleton from a module. Is there any benefit to it? Because of TS performance issues, I'm creating multiple functions for bigger procedures. And passing the db connection around may be an unnecessary overhead.
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4 Replies
BillyBob14mo ago
I've wondered the same thing. If you application will grow much it might be fine to not include it in context and extract business logic out to a service. for example challenges.service.ts where all the DB and business logic is done in there.
export const challengesRouter = router({
getChallengeById: privateProcedure
.query(async ({ input }) =>
await challengesService.getById(input);
export const challengesRouter = router({
getChallengeById: privateProcedure
.query(async ({ input }) =>
await challengesService.getById(input);
BillyBob14mo ago
What's the benefit of using the context instead of a direct import ...
I've wondered why I should use the tRPC context instead of just importing my database singleton from a module. Is there any benefit to it? Because of TS performance issues, I'm creating multiple functions for bigger procedures. And passing the db connection around may be an unnecessary overhead.
kbemasterOP14mo ago
a minute ago I found this thread but it is not clear for me
BillyBob14mo ago
the message i took from the thread was that it doesn't really matter, BUT it could make things easier for testing

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