jaacsen11mo ago

How can I show real-time post's replies/comments after a successful a reply mutation?

After submitting a successful reply mutation, I want to show a real-time UI update on my frontend?
7 Replies
BeBoRE11mo ago
Invalidate the query that fetches the replies https://trpc.io/docs/client/react/useUtils#query-invalidation
useUtils | tRPC
useUtils is a hook that gives you access to helpers that let you manage the cached data of the queries you execute via @trpc/react-query. These helpers are actually thin wrappers around @tanstack/react-query's queryClient methods. If you want more in-depth information about options and usage patterns for useContext helpers than what we provide h...
jaacsenOP11mo ago
after invalidating can those be fetched with an async caller ? @BeBoRE
BeBoRE11mo ago
What do you mean by async caller? I assume you mean can you invalidate server-components? The answer is no, you'll need to refresh the page.
Functions: useRouter | Next.js
API reference for the useRouter hook.
jaacsenOP11mo ago
if I used a client component will I need to refresh? Thanks @BeBoRE !
BeBoRE11mo ago
No you don’t, if only use the query in client components just invalidate the query and you’ll be good.
jaacsenOP11mo ago
Thanks! Another question if thats okay, I want to use useMemo to cache fetched data in a client component, how can I achieve that here:
const { data: comments } = trpc.reviews.getComments.useQuery(reviewId)
const { data: comments } = trpc.reviews.getComments.useQuery(reviewId)
BeBoRE11mo ago
React Query does this for you, there is no need to do this

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