Peform3mo ago

uploading image via trpc endpoint

Hello, is there any example for uploading an image to a trpc endpoint?
4 Replies
JuanErnesto3mo ago
I'm having the same issue, passing the img as a base64 gives me a status code 431 "headers fields too large", any possible solution?
noahflk3mo ago
I have implemented this before, but it's in a private repository. If you still need this, DM me and I will put together a code snippet for you
Peform3mo ago
Yes please, I am using base64 right now but for larger images it makes it impossible to send! Would appreciate a snippet alot. Thanks
noahflk3mo ago
Ah, so you're doing direct uploads. Can't help you in that case, as I'm using presigned URLs to upload straight to S3
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