Data Race in a useEffect
I have been using tRPC for a while, and it has been amazing. I am currently running into a small issue. In one of my components, I create a new project and onSuccess, I refresh the endpoints:
const { mutate: createProjects } = trpc.createProjectsFromCsv.useMutation({
onSuccess: (data: { successfullProjects: any[],
failedProjects: any[]
}) => {
** utils.getOrganizationProjects.invalidate()**
On another component, I read the existing projects and depending on them, I perform an action (search for duplicates)
const { data: existingProjects, isLoading, refetch } = trpc.getOrganizationProjects.useQuery({id: activeOrganizationId})
useEffect(() => {
if (!projects) return
if (isLoading) return
const allProjects = [...projects, ...existingProjects || []]
let isDuplicate = false
{ code that figures out if there are duplicates and sets projectGroupings }
if (!isDuplicate && refetchTries < 2) {
setRefetchTries(refetchTries + 1)
if (refetchTries >= 2) {
{ more code that doesn't matter for this purpose }
}, [activeOrganizationId, existingProjects, isLoading, projects, refetch, refetchTries, setTab])
1 Reply
Problem: If this runs right after I created a project, it will trigger the if statement that sends the user to the review tab:
if (refetchTries >= 2) {
However, if I refresh the page or try again, it will work.
If I run it after I delete a project, the duplicate tab will appear for ~1 second, and then it will go to review, showing that there is a delay for the data to update.
This has not happened before, and I am not sure how I can ensure the data is updated when this runs. Any ideas?