Custom data transformer and input/output schema

Hello 👋 I would like to code a data transformer, but I would this data transformer to be aware of the input and output Schema of the procedure. why: My typical use case is sending data type that are not serializable directly. I use effect-ts . So let's take a Schema from @effect/schema:
const MySchema = Schema.Struct({
optionalValue: Schema.Option(Schema.String)


myProcedure: protectedProcedure
.input(S.decodeUnknownSync(MySchema)) // validating and decoding
.mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
// ...
const MySchema = Schema.Struct({
optionalValue: Schema.Option(Schema.String)


myProcedure: protectedProcedure
.input(S.decodeUnknownSync(MySchema)) // validating and decoding
.mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
// ...
With effect-ts schema can be decoded and encoded. As we see in the example: data that are sent to myProdedure are decoded. But thoses data are not encoded in the client.
| | Encoded | Decoded |
| Client to Server | no | yes |
| Server to Client | no (possible with .output) | no |
| | | |
| | Encoded | Decoded |
| Client to Server | no | yes |
| Server to Client | no (possible with .output) | no |
| | | |
This is also a problem with the types that can be encoded and decoded to another type:
const Schema = S.NumberFromString
const Schema = S.NumberFromString
in this case, the typescript type inferred would be number but in my client side, I should send a string to the mutation, so it doesn't match. So to solve all my problem, I can encode automatically so that: I would send a number from my mutation, that would be encoded to a string, that would be decoded to a number, and everything would be perfect. I've read the doc about data transformer, this is probably what I need, but I need to get the input / output schema to makes this working and this is not possible. Do you have an idea, or a solution on how to achieve that ? Thanks in advance 🙏
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