Anand3mo ago

what will happen if we do not wrap the client component with hydrate client?
import { trpc } from '~/trpc/server';
import { ClientGreeting } from './client-greeting';

export default async function Home() {
void trpc.hello.prefetch();

return (
{/** ... */}
<ClientGreeting />
import { trpc } from '~/trpc/server';
import { ClientGreeting } from './client-greeting';

export default async function Home() {
void trpc.hello.prefetch();

return (
{/** ... */}
<ClientGreeting />
because I did not and my app works just fine, moreover I even removed the prefetch, yet all the client component (using useSuspenseQuery) worked fine and do not fetch on client (till after stale time). I was just wondering what is the use case of prefetch() an HydrateClient
1 Reply
AnandOP3mo ago
I ask this because I am able to still technically prefetch data on my ClientComponent while use suspense query So is the HydrateClient necessary? Does it provide any performance gainz?