Typing on trpc.createClient?
Basically I want an asyncQuery I can call later, the way asyncMutate works. I can do this:
But I can't do this:
My code is like this:
Version: v11
const profileData = await trpcClient.query(
const profileData = await trpcClient.query(
const profileData = await trpcClient.seer.evolution.getProfile.query('name');
const profileData = await trpcClient.seer.evolution.getProfile.query('name');
// Define the merged router type
type MergedRouter = {
relay: RelayRouter;
evolution: EvolutionRouter;
seer: SeerRouter;
// Initialize tRPC with the merged context if needed
const t = initTRPC
// Define any shared context here if necessary
// Create the root router
export const createRouter = () =>
relay: createRelayRouter(),
evolution: createEvolutionRouter(),
seer: createSeerRouter(),
// Create a single tRPC instance
export const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();
// Create the tRPC client with the combined link
export const trpcClient = trpc.createClient({
links: [combinedLink],
// Define the merged router type
type MergedRouter = {
relay: RelayRouter;
evolution: EvolutionRouter;
seer: SeerRouter;
// Initialize tRPC with the merged context if needed
const t = initTRPC
// Define any shared context here if necessary
// Create the root router
export const createRouter = () =>
relay: createRelayRouter(),
evolution: createEvolutionRouter(),
seer: createSeerRouter(),
// Create a single tRPC instance
export const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();
// Create the tRPC client with the combined link
export const trpcClient = trpc.createClient({
links: [combinedLink],
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