Move Fast & Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.


trpc version 11.0.0-rc.383 breaks turbo

I was seeing a MODULE_UNPARSEABLE error when running with the latest trpc rc. I did a bisect and found 11.0.0-rc.383 to be the breaking version. 11.0.0-rc.382 works fine. Only happens when running with next dev --turbo. next dev is fine...

How to use subscription with bullmq?

How can I process the messages in the queue with bullmq in the worker and publish them on the subscription side? I can't solve it in any way. My trpc server is published on my own nodejs server. What I want to do is as follows, but we can't use yield in eventlistener. What is the right way? ...

React app not inferring trpc client correctly

I have a monorepo with a packages folder that contains my api. That gets installed in a next js app, as well as a widget built in react using vite. All of a sudden my react app is not inferring my router correctly saying that property does not exist on type never. What exactly is happening here? I've added a few screenshots of my configs...
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Opinionated help: Where to place data access functions with respect to tRPC router(s)?

Hey there 👋 I'm currently trying to decide where to place my data access functions with respect to my tRPC routers. Currently, I have them placed at src/data-access/post/mutate-thing.ts, and I am wanting to move them into a folder structure like this: src/server/routers/post/functions/mutate-thing.ts but this feels a bit too nested (maybe not a bad thing) and for someone new to my codebase, this might make it difficult to find these functions. My routers are all obviously defined at src/server/routers, and I import my data access functions directly into each procedure within each router. Should I leave these data functions where they are at?...

Types issues upgrading to v11, `never` when using t.router

Hi, we have a mono repo project that we are trying to upgrade from v10.45.2 to v11(next). However, we are running into a weird types issue. This codebase was/is working completely fine with v10.45.2 but upgrading package versions seems to be causing types issues. Maybe we have missed something. We have a base trpc defined in a shared package trpc-shared. ```typescript...

Trpc server actions

Are there any plans to bump server actions out from experimental? I like trpc a lot. But server actions being 'experimental' is a little worrying. Been looking at libraries like zsa and next-safe-action. Would like to stay with trpc....

Streaming in React Native?

Did anyone manage to run streaming on React Native?

v11 incompatible with `@tanstack/react-query` > 5.59.9

My code, for example, works fine with v5.59.9: ```ts const [greet] = trpc.tfdExample.greet.useSuspenseQuery( "there tfdExample!", {...

Dynamically generate url for httpBatchLink

Hey there 👋 is it possible to generate a url for httpBatchLink instead of hardcoding one? I attempted the below code, but this doesn't work. Understandably, the fallback value is used for url each time the component mounts. I believe that I wouldn't even need a useEffect if I wasn't using Next, as I could directly grab these values from window.location, but since I'm using SSR, this code doesn't make it through the SSR pass. ```TSX...

onSuccess mutation not being called

Hey, I have this mutation which is called when I click a button. Inside the onSuccess callback I show a toast to the user telling them that the request was successful. However, when I do a state change before I call the mutation, eg setRequests the onSuccess callback never runs, I know this because the console log never appears. But, when I remove the setRequests it does, there is no visible error in my console. Why does this happen? Is it by design? ```ts export const GenerationsCard = ({ generation, selectedFlag, setRequests }: Props) => { const clearMutation = api.generations.clear.useMutation(); const warnMutation = api.punishments.warn.useMutation();...

Module "@trpc/server" has no exported member 'tracked'.

Hi everyone, i'm following the docs for Subscriptions, but am encountering the following error. What's wrong?
i wasnt using @next
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Re: relative imports to trpc.ts

For reference: @Nick Lucas Let's assume for a second it were the case that it's something wrong with the setup. How comes the type inference of type AppRouter = typeof appRouter on the server side works as expected, regardless of relative / path alias import. But only upon client side import, the type isn't inferred properly anymore?...
I finally discovered the root cause. It's a typescript issue. By implication you can call this a setup issue. I stay humbled @Nick Lucas 🙏 Basically, using tsconfig paths within the child packages in monorepos is a bad idea :/ The server/user.router.ts will use the client/tsconfig.json#paths for module resolution during the import from client/index.ts (in contrast to imports from within server/)....

Network tab returns array but data is undefined

I'm currently doing some testing with trpc + aws lambda. I have my network response returned with the actual array, but my data property is undefined
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Keep old data when changing trpc procedure inputs

Hi! I was wondering if anyone has a best practice for preventing a flash of no data when changing inputs for a certain trpc procedure using tanstack query. My usecase is a leaflet map where the data it fetches changes when changing the zoom or position of the map. But I still want to show the old data when I am panning the map for example. I am currently using something like this where navigate triggers new inputs for the query. ```...

What types of data I could return from tRPC procedure?

As per title, could it be only JSON objects?

AI support

Hey, can I use TRPC with some AI stuff e.g. Vercel AI SDK? I want to stream returned data to the client. Thanks in advance for any tips or tutorials!...

How to get a TRPCClientError shape as in initTRPC errorFormatter for testing

I want to test some UI logic handling errors from trpc but I struggle how to setup the error shape in the test so it triggers proper branches while test. here is my initTrpc ```ts const t = initTRPC.context<typeof createTRPCContext>().create({...
OK nvm. Just found implementation of trpclienterror and you can do ``` new TRPCClientError('test3', { result: { error: { data: { apiError: [] } } },...

Basic error handling patterns

Hello guys I am playing around with trpc and I don't know how to do error handling at a route level. I did read the docs about error handling but I don't know if my approach to this problem is good. How do you guys would handle errors in trpc ? For example I have this sign up route. And the way I am doing error handling is by re throwing a TRPCError in the catch clause. Which doesn't seems right. ```ts...

Override output schema for certain mutations

Is it possible to overrider output schema's type for certain mutations? Currently I have a base procedure that has an outputschema as such: ```...