Caching API calls (HTTP response)
TextDecoder not implemented Trpc react-native httpBatchStreamLink
Generating Types in v11
type after upgrading, and the declaration files reference these "do-not-import" filesGood patterns for large list querys? Invalidation & refetching gets slow after a mutation
TSC errors after upgrading to v11
Router output types not mapping?
trpc with Nuxt 4
value is a Proxy instance that has no capabilities otherwise.
Anyone able to provide some insight as to the issue, or perhaps a better way to go about it? Perhaps using trpc directly without any Nuxt-specific bindings? 🤔 can i create a router off of a JSON?
v11: inferRouterInputs is returning `void | <zod object>` so it's unusable?
How do I create a React/Node full-stack project with tRPC?
, write my server code in a folder called server
....calling tRPC procedure from custom link
await utils.client.auth.refresh.mutate(tokens)
, but getting Error: Unable to find tRPC Context. Did you forget to wrap your App inside withTRPC HoC?
.Type too complex to infer?
Mongo Db Schema _id(ObjectId) in trpc get serializes to string
Passing input as a prop
Useless TRPC Error messages: Error: ❌ tRPC failed on <no-path>
subscriptions net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING 200 (OK) with httpSubscriptionLink on Bun/Hono
Is publicProcedure safe to use with this kind of approach ?
Need more control over error handling
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_STATE]: Invalid state: Controller is already closed
createCaller is returning [Function: noop]
{mutations: ..., etc.}
But when I create the caller, it returns noop, and anything I call on that is noop. Ideas?...