A. Perkamentus
A. Perkamentus
Created by A. Perkamentus on 8/30/2023 in #❓-help
Wrong JSON response when deployed
No description
3 replies
Created by A. Perkamentus on 4/21/2023 in #❓-help
How can I make a direct fetch on a router endpoint from TRPC in NextJS on client?
In the documentation you can use the vanilla TRPC client like this:
const bilbo = await client.getUser.query('id_bilbo');
const bilbo = await client.getUser.query('id_bilbo');
But with NextJS app is wrapped with the WithTRPC wrapper. where you can only use hooks. How can I make a direct call?
3 replies
Created by A. Perkamentus on 4/21/2023 in #❓-help
Can you get the queryClient without using a hook?
Can you get the queryClient without using a hook?
7 replies
Created by A. Perkamentus on 3/8/2023 in #❓-help
How to get response type depending on the input params?
Simple example of a normal JS function with generics:
const example = <T extends unknown>(params: T): T => {
return params

// TYPE: const params: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const params = ['Hello', 'World']

// TYPE: const result: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const result = example(params)

// TYPE: const str1: string, const str2: string
const [str1, str2] = result
const example = <T extends unknown>(params: T): T => {
return params

// TYPE: const params: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const params = ['Hello', 'World']

// TYPE: const result: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const result = example(params)

// TYPE: const str1: string, const str2: string
const [str1, str2] = result
This is what I want to achieve with TRPC. If I send some params I want my respone type be able to change depending on the params. How can I achieve that?
// TYPE: const params: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const params = ['Hello', 'World']

const { data } = trpc.router.model.example(params)

// I want the following type returned based on the params
// TYPE: const result: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const result = data;

// I want the same result as in the simple example
// TYPE: const str1: string, const str2: string
const [str1, str2] = result
// TYPE: const params: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const params = ['Hello', 'World']

const { data } = trpc.router.model.example(params)

// I want the following type returned based on the params
// TYPE: const result: readonly ["Hello", "World"]
const result = data;

// I want the same result as in the simple example
// TYPE: const str1: string, const str2: string
const [str1, str2] = result
6 replies
Created by A. Perkamentus on 3/7/2023 in #❓-help
How to infer types from input?
When I call my procedure from the client I send an array of strings as an input. How can I infer the strings so they are returned in the response (see client code comment) On server:
example: publicProcedure
.input(z.object({ names: z.array(z.string()) }))
.query(({ input }) => {
return input.names.reduce((acc, name) => {
return {
[name]: Math.random(),
}, {});
example: publicProcedure
.input(z.object({ names: z.array(z.string()) }))
.query(({ input }) => {
return input.names.reduce((acc, name) => {
return {
[name]: Math.random(),
}, {});
On client:
const { data } = trpc.router.example.useQuery({
names: ["Hello", "World"]

// infer types from query input / autocomplete
const { Hello, World } = data
const { data } = trpc.router.example.useQuery({
names: ["Hello", "World"]

// infer types from query input / autocomplete
const { Hello, World } = data
3 replies