Created by WO on 8/4/2023 in #❓-help
How to refetch data for a query when a mutation is performed in a different component?
To give a quick explanation of what I’m trying to do, I’m creating a system where a user can request to join a group and then the admins can accept or decline the request. I've tried following the docs for invalidating a single query but it seems to not be working in my case. Component A is fetching the request status on the user side through a useQuery on one of my tRPC procedures. Component A (checking request status on user side)
import { api } from "~/utils/api";

const {
data: joinRequestStatus,
isLoading: isLoadingJoinRequestStatus,
refetch: refetchJoinRequestStatus,
} = api.leagueUserManagement.getJoinRequestStatus.useQuery(
leagueSlug: league.leagueSlug,

queryKey: [
{ leagueSlug: league.leagueSlug },
staleTime: 5 * (60 * 1000),
cacheTime: 10 * (60 * 1000),
import { api } from "~/utils/api";

const {
data: joinRequestStatus,
isLoading: isLoadingJoinRequestStatus,
refetch: refetchJoinRequestStatus,
} = api.leagueUserManagement.getJoinRequestStatus.useQuery(
leagueSlug: league.leagueSlug,

queryKey: [
{ leagueSlug: league.leagueSlug },
staleTime: 5 * (60 * 1000),
cacheTime: 10 * (60 * 1000),
Component B performs a mutation (accept or decline) on the admin side from one of my tRPC procedures and I want it to immediately update the request status that the user sees in Component A after the admin accepts or declines. Component B (declining the request on admin side)
import { api } from "~/utils/api";

const utils = api.useContext();

const { mutate: declineJoinRequest, isLoading: isLoadingDeclineJoinRequest } =
onSuccess: async () => {
title: "Success",
description: "Join request declined",
variant: "success",
await refetchJoinRequests();
await utils.leagueUserManagement.getJoinRequestStatus.invalidate();
onError: (error) => {
title: "Error",
description: error.message,
variant: "error",
import { api } from "~/utils/api";

const utils = api.useContext();

const { mutate: declineJoinRequest, isLoading: isLoadingDeclineJoinRequest } =
onSuccess: async () => {
title: "Success",
description: "Join request declined",
variant: "success",
await refetchJoinRequests();
await utils.leagueUserManagement.getJoinRequestStatus.invalidate();
onError: (error) => {
title: "Error",
description: error.message,
variant: "error",
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