Created by Captain on 5/11/2023 in #❓-help
what is the best way to update trpc and its dependencies?
Hi all, as the title says, how can i best update trpc and its dependencies? TRPC stands at 10.25.1, but is this @trpc/server or @trpc/client or next, or tanstack?
34 replies
Created by Captain on 1/21/2023 in #❓-help
NextJS + TRPC + NX
i have a nextjs application inside a NX monorepo. i have everything for @trpc/server inside a node library. i have moved the utils file inside the SRC folder in the next js project. this way, i have node lib which does all for routing an backend logic. i have another lib for ui. this lib exports dumb ui components. suppose i wanted to move the trpc utils file to one of my libraries so as to be able to fetch data inside the "dumb components", could i do this and is this correct? right now, im forced to prop drill because applications cant share code in NX. only libs can. anyone have a pattern for either creating smart components inside NX libs or a pattern for providing context?
15 replies
Created by Captain on 1/15/2023 in #❓-help
the tRPC loop or cycle
what is the full sequesnce of execution of trpc? where does it start when a user requests something and where does it end? i would like to remove services from IoC after execution is complete.
2 replies
Created by Captain on 1/11/2023 in #❓-help
How to do dependecy injection?
My routes are grouped by using the router object. i'd like to be able to inject a service to each route group. is this possible and how can i do this?
53 replies
Created by Captain on 1/8/2023 in #❓-help
how can i get procedure name?
is it possible to get procedure name? i would like to append a service to ctx based on procedure name? is this possible in trpc?
20 replies
Created by Captain on 12/10/2022 in #❓-help
Catch TRPCError, ZoddError on the front-end
15 replies
Created by Captain on 11/23/2022 in #❓-help
context at times empty
am new to trpc. i am usin iron-session with nextjs and its awesome. am forwarding the context. but sometimes session is empty. then it reload and session is not empty. tried it with static data. this doesnt happen with static data. any ideas? i have followed the trpc docs for adding trpc to an existing nextjs application.
1 replies