Created by PotatisMannen on 11/5/2023 in #❓-help
trpc mutations for searching data
Recently was told that using mutations to fetch list data is bad. I can agree with this on a high level from the naming convention, but I'm curious what the deeper reasons are. Are there specific "internal" or architecture related reasons why mutations shouldnt be used to search data at all?
6 replies
Created by PotatisMannen on 6/23/2023 in #❓-help
how do you consume trpc endpoints from postman?
I'm currently trying to set up testing for a full stack project while using trpc. but im unsure how i can test if the trpc endpoints are working without having to write FE code. This could be useful during QA etc. has anyone tried this before?
7 replies
Created by PotatisMannen on 6/18/2023 in #❓-help
how does one actually make trpc/client work with the app router
ive been using trpc on the pages router for a while now and ive started putting together a next13 stack (all the dependencies i like etc) for some of the prototype projects we have. However i cant seem to wrap my head around how trpc would play along with the app router. the api handler seems straightforward, but how to configure the client context? any help appreciated
3 replies