Ahmed Eid
Ahmed Eid
Created by Ahmed Eid on 9/11/2023 in #❓-help
Replacing the dot notation in URLs with forward slash `/` ?
is there a way to replace the dot separation with a forward slash instead ?
so instead of /api/trpc/post.byId it would be /api/trpc/post/byId
1 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 8/20/2023 in #❓-help
Nested procedures are separated by dots, is there a way to change that to `/`s instead ?
currently it looks something like this /api/trpc/post.byId, is there a way to have it like /api/trpc/post/byId ?
1 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 8/19/2023 in #❓-help
Is there a way to split a trpc api across multiple lambdas ?
How do I go about splitting my TRPC api across multiple lambdas, such that each lambda would load the minimum code it needs to run, (ideally the frontend should not be affected )
20 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 6/4/2023 in #❓-help
are we able to send data over with subscriptions, to allow for full duplex communication ?
2 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 12/27/2022 in #❓-help
13 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 10/10/2022 in #❓-help
somehow when move typed function out of the router files, frontend infer type to be any ?
this is inferred corrected since they are in the same file.
getX: t.procedure.query(() => {
return getX()

function getX(): X{
getX: t.procedure.query(() => {
return getX()

function getX(): X{
getX: t.procedure.query(() => {
return getX()

export function getX(): X{ << moving this out of the file breaks the typing.
getX: t.procedure.query(() => {
return getX()

export function getX(): X{ << moving this out of the file breaks the typing.
9 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 9/24/2022 in #❓-help
Are there any example of subscriptions working with react native ?
queries and mutations are working pretty well with react native, I'm unable however to get subscriptions to work.
1 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 9/21/2022 in #❓-help
when throwing a TRPCError, is there a way to include an internal error code ?
3 replies
Created by Ahmed Eid on 9/20/2022 in #❓-help
extra json property added after data when consuming a query hook.
28 replies