Created by the_riz on 6/14/2023 in #❓-help
How to modify existing cache data?
I have a message queue being fetched with InfiniteQuery requests. When adding a new message, I want to prevent client-reload by adding the message to the front of the existing messages array. Is the tool for this setInfiniteData() ? When I return a modified version of the existing cache-data, TS throws errors about the [cachedData] being recursively incorrectly formatted no matter what I do 😠! Q1: This is way outside my league but I noticed this: Is there possibly an error in the [react-query] TS-definition at lines 155+156 because they are duplicates. Q2: What am I doing wrong here? Am I just using the wrong tool?
const trpcUtils = api.useContext();
const session = useSession();
const createNewMessage = api.msg.create.useMutation({ // called in a client component w/appropriate data...
onSuccess: (newMsg) => {
if (session.status !== "authenticated") return; // clears @TS-error for getting id below 👌🤷
/*** --- ❓ use `setInfiniteData()?` ❓ --- ***/
// ❌❌❌ The `cachedData` argument throws crazy recursive TS errors ❌❌❌
trpcUtils.msgs.infiniteFeed.setInfiniteData( {}, (cachedData) => { // ❌❌❌
// nothing in first arg because I only want to change existing data?
if (!cachedData) { return { pages: [], pageParams: [] }; }

const newMsgDataForDisplay = {...newMsg, user: {id: } };
const pages = cachedData.pages;
const firstPage = pages[0];
const laterPages = pages.slice(1);
const firstPageMessageQueue = firstPage?.messageQueue.slice() ?? [];

return {
pages: [{ ...firstPage
messageQueue: [newMsgDataForDisplay, ...firstPageMessageQueue],
...laterPages ]
const trpcUtils = api.useContext();
const session = useSession();
const createNewMessage = api.msg.create.useMutation({ // called in a client component w/appropriate data...
onSuccess: (newMsg) => {
if (session.status !== "authenticated") return; // clears @TS-error for getting id below 👌🤷
/*** --- ❓ use `setInfiniteData()?` ❓ --- ***/
// ❌❌❌ The `cachedData` argument throws crazy recursive TS errors ❌❌❌
trpcUtils.msgs.infiniteFeed.setInfiniteData( {}, (cachedData) => { // ❌❌❌
// nothing in first arg because I only want to change existing data?
if (!cachedData) { return { pages: [], pageParams: [] }; }

const newMsgDataForDisplay = {...newMsg, user: {id: } };
const pages = cachedData.pages;
const firstPage = pages[0];
const laterPages = pages.slice(1);
const firstPageMessageQueue = firstPage?.messageQueue.slice() ?? [];

return {
pages: [{ ...firstPage
messageQueue: [newMsgDataForDisplay, ...firstPageMessageQueue],
...laterPages ]
Any help is greatly appreciated! (env is React/Next13 via T3-Stack)
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