Created by Rhys on 1/24/2023 in #❓-help
tRPC Cors Authentication Error
10 replies
Created by Rhys on 12/23/2022 in #❓-help
Validating Permissions
Hi! A common operation that I'm doing in tRPC is validating that a person has permissions to perform the action they're trying to do, i.e:
const serverCreateUpdateRouter = router({
create: protectedProcedureWithUserServers
.mutation(({ ctx, input }) => {
assertCanEditServer(ctx, input.id);
return ctx.prisma.server.create({ data: input });
update: protectedProcedureWithUserServers
.mutation(({ ctx, input }) => {
assertCanEditServer(ctx, input.id);
return ctx.prisma.server.update({ where: { id: input.id }, data: input });
const serverCreateUpdateRouter = router({
create: protectedProcedureWithUserServers
.mutation(({ ctx, input }) => {
assertCanEditServer(ctx, input.id);
return ctx.prisma.server.create({ data: input });
update: protectedProcedureWithUserServers
.mutation(({ ctx, input }) => {
assertCanEditServer(ctx, input.id);
return ctx.prisma.server.update({ where: { id: input.id }, data: input });
Where assertCanEditServer is the permissions check. In this instance, I'm taking the ID of the server they're editing and comparing it against a list of server permissions to validate they can edit that server. I'd like to find a better way of doing this instead of just having to repeat a bunch of code with this assertCanEditServer function Having to put that inside of each router is a bit ugly, but the information to ensure the caller can edit isn't available inside of Context so that's the only place that I can think to put it. Is this the best approach to this where I just make an assert function at throw that inside of the procedure or is there some better way of doing this? Thanks
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