Created by esanchezvz on 1/16/2024 in #❓-help
Can't do server side data fetching with RSC.
Whenever I try to use a proxy client to fetch data in a React Server Component with Nextjs14, I get an error error: TRPCClientError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 Likely trpc is returning HTML though I don't know why. Now if instead of fetching with a RSC, I trigger the data fetching via a "server action" I get the following error
TRPCClientError: fetch failed
at TRPCClientError.from (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/../../node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+client@10.45.0_@trpc+server@10.45.0/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/TRPCClientError-38f9a32a.mjs:43:16)
at eval (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/../../node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+client@10.45.0_@trpc+server@10.45.0/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/httpUtils-b9d0cb48.mjs:132:81) {
meta: {},
shape: undefined,
data: undefined,
[cause]: TypeError: fetch failed
at Object.fetch (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:11372:11) {
cause: _RequestContentLengthMismatchError: Request body length does not match content-length header
at write (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8302:41)
at _resume (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8276:33)
at resume (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8173:7)
at connect (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8162:7) {
TRPCClientError: fetch failed
at TRPCClientError.from (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/../../node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+client@10.45.0_@trpc+server@10.45.0/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/TRPCClientError-38f9a32a.mjs:43:16)
at eval (webpack-internal:///(rsc)/../../node_modules/.pnpm/@trpc+client@10.45.0_@trpc+server@10.45.0/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/httpUtils-b9d0cb48.mjs:132:81) {
meta: {},
shape: undefined,
data: undefined,
[cause]: TypeError: fetch failed
at Object.fetch (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:11372:11) {
cause: _RequestContentLengthMismatchError: Request body length does not match content-length header
at write (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8302:41)
at _resume (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8276:33)
at resume (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8173:7)
at connect (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:8162:7) {
The wierd thing is that when using client side fetching, via react query, everything works. I've looked at issues, docs, gpt but I can't seam to fix this error. I've looked at similar implementations like create-t3-app but nothing works so far. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Some direction would be greatly appreciated. Here's a link to a repo that recreates this issue.
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