How to pass context to vanilla client?
I have a next app where I use trpc. Now I need to call some trpc functions from outside of any components. My first solution was to just call the endpoint with axios.
const { data: attribute } = await axios({
method: "GET",
url: getApiServerUrl() + "/trpc/db.getAttribute",
params: {
input: JSON.stringify(trpcInput)
headers: { 'Cookie': cookie }
This is working fine, but I lose typing support.
My new solution is to use the vanilla client. But using the vanilla client I can't find a way to pass context to the request, for example to pass a cookie. Now my walkaround is creating a getter function that each time creates a new trpc client with the context needed.
export const getClientWithCookie = ({cookie}: {cookie: string}) => createTRPCProxyClient<AppRouter>({
links: [
url: getApiServerUrl() +
headers() {
return {
cookie: cookie,
const attribute = await getClientWithCookie({cookie: cookie}).db.getAttribute.query(trpcInput);
This is also working fine, but feels a bit hacky to me, because each time it creates a new client.
How would be the proper solution to call a trpc function with context like a cookie using the vanilla client? (I can't use hooks here)27 replies
use tRPC for RPC calls instead of gRPC
I know that tRPC and gRPC are different things - despite the similar name.
Nevertheless I would like to hear your opinion on using tRPC for things you would normally use gRPC for. What are possible use cases? What are the pros and cons.
use case: call a remote render server to render assets
- You can keep using your zod typings and don't have to recreate them for all needed gRPC calls.
- Both tasks need to be running on typescript or you need at least to create a typescript wrapper for that task
- gRPC has much lower data usage
2 replies