persistedQueries & indexedDb
Would like to know if someone else has tried out the feature and/if got it work, I'm trying to recreate the Linear's approach to it's snappy feel and all-data-ready on initial page loads.
This is the current implementation I have following the RTK docs
6 replies
anyone else getting a failed to fetch in latest next versions
not sure if this is happening to more people, I tried literally everything, changing to 127.0.01, updating next@canary, not sure if the error is on trpc side, no logs shown, but man I'm completely blocked by this.
PD: I'm using kirimase to generate the code, not sure if that could be an issue
2 replies
`createCaller` and RSC - with next-auth
I've been upgrading my trpc routers and handlers to support edge+app router with drizzle and next-auth; and something that has come up is the use of createCaller (with createTRPCNext instead of createTRPCReact - and without the TRPCProvider). So I wanted to ask if this is a correct way of using that function
6 replies