How do I setup subscriptions with websockets in Next.js 14 app router?
btw i did it: You can check out the project. it uses app directory. I am using t3 stack here
main files to look at are: tsconfig.server.json, src/server/ws-dev-server.ts (need to update prod one, will do later), trpc/react.tsx, src/server/routers/post.ts, app/(all)/post/page.tsx
And also don't export thing from wss-dev-server.ts. Cause if you use those exports, next js server will try to use that port to create new WebSocketServer.
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How do I setup subscriptions with websockets in Next.js 14 app router?
The web socket needs to be started separately. I am also confused on how they communicate. I am trying out different solutions to set this up in my app. I did implemented it and was working but authentication with next-auth (getServerSession) did not work, so i am trying different things from here and there to make it work.
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