Created by neoney on 3/14/2025 in #❓-help
state change not triggering refetch
I have this query in my app:
const [filter, setFilter] = useState({
value: "",
property: "coupon",

const [sorting, setSorting] = useState([
id: "createdAt",
desc: false,

const trpc = useTRPC();
const queryCoupons = useInfiniteQuery(
limit: pageSize,
direction: sorting[0]?.desc ? "backward" : "forward",
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => lastPage.nextCursor,
getPreviousPageParam: (_firstPage, allPages) => {
const firstPageCursor = allPages[0]?.result[0]?.createdAt;
return firstPageCursor;
const [filter, setFilter] = useState({
value: "",
property: "coupon",

const [sorting, setSorting] = useState([
id: "createdAt",
desc: false,

const trpc = useTRPC();
const queryCoupons = useInfiniteQuery(
limit: pageSize,
direction: sorting[0]?.desc ? "backward" : "forward",
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => lastPage.nextCursor,
getPreviousPageParam: (_firstPage, allPages) => {
const firstPageCursor = allPages[0]?.result[0]?.createdAt;
return firstPageCursor;
When I change the filter parameter, the query refetches as usual. However, when I change sorting[0].desc, it just doesn't. I've also tried to manually refetch it in a useEffect, but it just fetches with the stale input. I tried refactoring the direction logic into a useMemo that just returns the string - that does nothing. Again, I can confirm with a useEffect that the sorting direction does indeed change. It's also kinda weird that it works for filter and not direction.
6 replies
Created by neoney on 10/26/2023 in #❓-help
Access procedures with same names and same parameters, but in different routers, generically
My trpc structure looks something like this:
- router1
- routerX
- proc1
- router2
- routerX
- proc1
- router1
- routerX
- proc1
- router2
- routerX
- proc1
Basically, I have multiple routers, but they all have pretty much the same signatures - they always have mostly the same parameters, but the return types are different for some. I can't currently do anything like trpc[router].routerX.proc1.useQuery(), because Typescript throws an error - Each member of the union type [...] has signatures, but none of these signatures are compatible with each other. I can kinda work around it like this:
type Params =
| Parameters<typeof trpc.router1.routerX.proc1.useQuery>
| Parameters<typeof trpc.router2.routerX.proc1.useQuery>;

type Returned =
| ReturnType<typeof trpc.router1.routerX.proc1.useQuery>
| ReturnType<typeof trpc.router2.routerX.proc1.useQuery>;

type Fn = (...args: Params) => Returned;

return trpc[router].routerX.proc1.useQuery as Fn;
type Params =
| Parameters<typeof trpc.router1.routerX.proc1.useQuery>
| Parameters<typeof trpc.router2.routerX.proc1.useQuery>;

type Returned =
| ReturnType<typeof trpc.router1.routerX.proc1.useQuery>
| ReturnType<typeof trpc.router2.routerX.proc1.useQuery>;

type Fn = (...args: Params) => Returned;

return trpc[router].routerX.proc1.useQuery as Fn;
But in the returned useQuery hook, the type of data is unknown.
2 replies