Patryk Makowski
Get the type of context after middleware
How can I get the type of the context of
export const adminProcedure = publicProcedure.use(isAdmin)
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CAS Authentication
So long story short. My University is using CAS as authentication provider. I was thinking that I could use NextAuth with it to authenticate my users but I have no clue how am I supposed to do that. They don't support OAuth2 because they have old version of CAS. I asked on GH discussion in NextAuth for help but didn't get any. I also tried seeking help on Theo's discord twice this month but no luck. I don't know what to do and I feel like people working there have no clue what to do. I really want to be using TRPC with NextJS as I love this combo but how on earth can I authenticate my users using something like this?
I was told I could use this lib
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