marcos daniel
marcos daniel
Created by marcos daniel on 11/12/2023 in #❓-help
can't call nested route
this is the top level router:
const appRouter = router({
hello: procedure.query(() => 'hello world'),
chess: chessRouter,
const appRouter = router({
hello: procedure.query(() => 'hello world'),
chess: chessRouter,
the chess router being something along these lines:
export const chessRouter = router({
login: procedure.mutation(async (opts) => {
export const chessRouter = router({
login: procedure.mutation(async (opts) => {
if I run the curl command like this it won't find the nested "login" mutation, although it works for top level "hello" curl -X POST "http://localhost:6002/chess/login" {"error":{"message":"No \"query\"-procedure on path \"chess/login/\"","code":-32004,"data":{"code":"NOT_FOUND","httpStatus":404,"stack":"TRPCError: No \"query\"-procedure on path \"chess/login/\"
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