Created by Kranga on 12/23/2023 in #❓-help
Subscription types are not inferred while queries and mutations are working fine
The subscription input type is z.void() but I don't think it makes any difference
3 replies
Created by Kranga on 12/23/2023 in #❓-help
Subscription types are not inferred while queries and mutations are working fine
No description
3 replies
Created by Kranga on 7/28/2023 in #❓-help
Procedure return types are getting inferred as any
This is my current tsconfig trying everything I found online to try to make it work { "ts-node": { "require": ["tsconfig-paths/register"] }, "compilerOptions": { "composite": true, "target": "ESNext", "lib": ["esnext"], "allowJs": true, "checkJs": true, "skipLibCheck": false, "strict": true, "module": "ESNext", "moduleResolution": "bundler", "baseUrl": ".", "resolveJsonModule": true, "isolatedModules": true, "incremental": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, "declaration": true, "declarationMap": true, "paths": { "#trpc": ["./trpc.js"], "#db": ["./prisma/db.js"], "#constants": ["./constants.js"], }, }, "include": ["./*\*/\*"], "references": [ {"path": "../front"} ], "exclude": ["node_modules", "types"] }
4 replies
Created by Kranga on 11/28/2022 in #❓-help
Is it possible to call a query from another query defined in the same router?
I get the same error due to circular references router=>caller=>router
3 replies
Created by Kranga on 10/20/2022 in #❓-help
Trouble inferring the type of a very simple structure of nested routers
Thanks for your help, the error was driving me mad
10 replies
Created by Kranga on 10/20/2022 in #❓-help
Trouble inferring the type of a very simple structure of nested routers
Yep, it fixed it
10 replies
Created by Kranga on 10/20/2022 in #❓-help
Trouble inferring the type of a very simple structure of nested routers
10 replies
Created by Kranga on 10/20/2022 in #❓-help
Trouble inferring the type of a very simple structure of nested routers
Gonna make one quick
10 replies
Created by Kranga on 10/20/2022 in #❓-help
Trouble inferring the type of a very simple structure of nested routers
1. Just checked the package.json of trpc client and server and both are on beta.24. 2. I downgraded typescript to 4.8.4 and the error still persists
10 replies