Created by .westsaid on 10/12/2022 in #❓-help
How to use trpc react hooks from an external data source
Hi, glad it was super helpful for you 😊 Unfortunatly no, didnt touch subscriptions yet
8 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/12/2022 in #❓-help
How to use trpc react hooks from an external data source
Hey, I've uploaded a working nextjs-trpc-keystone example: https://github.com/Westsaid/nextjs-trpc-keystone-example
8 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Im setting up a boiled down version of this repo to debug and maybe feature later on rn!
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
If you or someone else want to start a debugging session sometimes hit me up. We could also set up an example project with "tRPC X Keystone JS CMS" which could be featured on the tRPC website
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/12/2022 in #❓-help
How to use trpc react hooks from an external data source
Hi, yes kind of, as the discussion on my other issue states: I have a type error which I cannot fix in a reproductive way. It seems to me that its just a type error as I receive data using the cmsTrpc variable as if there was no error. Although this of course stops me from building...
8 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Type 'CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<TypeInfo>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { data: { code: "PARSE_ERROR" | "BAD_REQUEST" | ... 10 more ... | "CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST"; httpStatus: number; path?: string | undefined; stack?: string | undefined; }; message: s...' does not satisfy the constraint 'Router<any>'.
Type 'Router<RouterDef<RootConfig<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<TypeInfo>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { data: { code: "PARSE_ERROR" | ... 11 more ... | "CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST"; httpStatus: number; path?: string | undefined; stack?: string | undefined; }; message: string; code: TRPC...' is missing the following properties from type 'Router<any>': errorFormatter, transformerts(2344)
Type 'CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<TypeInfo>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { data: { code: "PARSE_ERROR" | "BAD_REQUEST" | ... 10 more ... | "CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST"; httpStatus: number; path?: string | undefined; stack?: string | undefined; }; message: s...' does not satisfy the constraint 'Router<any>'.
Type 'Router<RouterDef<RootConfig<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<TypeInfo>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { data: { code: "PARSE_ERROR" | ... 11 more ... | "CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST"; httpStatus: number; path?: string | undefined; stack?: string | undefined; }; message: string; code: TRPC...' is missing the following properties from type 'Router<any>': errorFormatter, transformerts(2344)
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Okay, I have to rollback, installed my repo on a new Pc, same issue again :/
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Yes, turborepo. I reinstalled using yarn, then it worked
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Hi, I deleted node_modules, rechecked my monorepo configuration and reinstalled. The error disappeared. @Matheus Mazeto
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
This can be considered closed. There was a problem with the config of the monorepo and the installed packages
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 10/11/2022 in #❓-help
NextJS & Keystone CMS, issues when connecting both in a monorepo
Full Error Message
Type 'CreateRouterInner<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<TypeInfo>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { data: { code: "PARSE_ERROR" | ... 11 more ... | "CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST"; httpStatus: number; path?: string | undefined; stack?: string | undefined; }; message: string; code: TRPC_ERROR_COD...' does not satisfy the constraint 'Router<any>'.
The types returned by 'createCaller(...)' are incompatible between these types.
Type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<{}>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<{}>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<{}>; } & DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ translations: CreateRouterInner<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<...>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { ...; }; transformer: CombinedDataTransformer; }, { ...;...' is not assignable to type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<any>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<any>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<any>; } & DecoratedProcedureRecord<any>'.
Type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<{}>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<{}>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<{}>; } & DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ translations: CreateRouterInner<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<...>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { ...; }; transformer: CombinedDataTransformer; }, { ...;...' is not assignable to type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<any>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<any>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<any>; }'.
Types of property 'query' are incompatible.
Type 'inferHandlerFn<{}>' is not assignable to type 'inferHandlerFn<any>'.
Types of parameters 'path' and 'path' are incompatible.
Type 'TPath' is not assignable to type 'never'.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never'.
Type 'CreateRouterInner<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<TypeInfo>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { data: { code: "PARSE_ERROR" | ... 11 more ... | "CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST"; httpStatus: number; path?: string | undefined; stack?: string | undefined; }; message: string; code: TRPC_ERROR_COD...' does not satisfy the constraint 'Router<any>'.
The types returned by 'createCaller(...)' are incompatible between these types.
Type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<{}>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<{}>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<{}>; } & DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ translations: CreateRouterInner<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<...>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { ...; }; transformer: CombinedDataTransformer; }, { ...;...' is not assignable to type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<any>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<any>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<any>; } & DecoratedProcedureRecord<any>'.
Type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<{}>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<{}>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<{}>; } & DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ translations: CreateRouterInner<{ ctx: { opts: CreateExpressContextOptions; keystoneCtx: KeystoneContext<...>; }; meta: {}; errorShape: { ...; }; transformer: CombinedDataTransformer; }, { ...;...' is not assignable to type '{ query: inferHandlerFn<any>; mutation: inferHandlerFn<any>; subscription: inferHandlerFn<any>; }'.
Types of property 'query' are incompatible.
Type 'inferHandlerFn<{}>' is not assignable to type 'inferHandlerFn<any>'.
Types of parameters 'path' and 'path' are incompatible.
Type 'TPath' is not assignable to type 'never'.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'never'.
13 replies
Created by .westsaid on 9/18/2022 in #❓-help
Problem using next+ssg
oh yes, that seems to solve it! Thank you 😄
5 replies
Created by .westsaid on 9/18/2022 in #❓-help
Problem using next+ssg
No, its set to ssr: true,
5 replies